Waarom zijn zoveel diepzeedieren rood van kleur?: Ocean Exploration Facts: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (2024)

Rood licht bereikt de diepten van de oceaan niet, dus diepzeedieren die rood zijn, zien er eigenlijk zwart uit en zijn dus minder zichtbaar voor roofdieren en prooien.

Waarom zijn veel diepzeekoralen zo kleurrijk in een volledig donkere omgeving?Video met dank aan het NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, Mountains in the Deep: Exploring the Central Pacific Basin. Grotere versie downloaden (mp4, 106,5 MB).

Zonlicht bevat alle kleuren van ons zichtbare spectrum; deze kleuren samen lijken wit. Rood licht heeft de langste golflengte en daarom de minste hoeveelheid energie in het zichtbare spectrum.De golflengte neemt af en de energie neemt toeterwijl je van rood naar violet licht over het spectrum beweegt in de volgende volgorde: rood, oranje, geel, groen, blauw en violet.

Naarmate de golflengte van het licht afneemt van rood naar blauw licht, neemt ook het vermogen van licht om water te doordringen af. Blauw licht dringt het beste door, groen licht komt op de tweede plaats, geel licht komt op de derde plaats, gevolgd door oranje licht en rood licht. Rood licht wordt snel uit het water gefilterd naarmate de diepte toeneemt en rood licht bereikt in feite nooit de diepe oceaan.

Kleur is te wijten aan de weerkaatsing van verschillende golflengten van zichtbaar licht. Wanneer wit licht (dat alle kleuren van het spectrum bevat) op een object valt, worden sommige golflengten geabsorbeerd; golflengten die niet worden geabsorbeerd, reflecteren terug naar onze ogen. Dat is wat we waarnemen als de kleur van dat object en het heeft een impact op dekleurpatronen van dieren in de oceaan. Wanneer een rode vis aan het oppervlak wordt geraakt door wit licht, reflecteert het rood licht en absorbeert het alle andere kleuren en lijkt het dus rood. Hoe dieper jij en de vis gaan, hoe minder rood de vis zal lijken, omdat er steeds minder rood licht is dat door de vis wordt weerkaatst. Op 100 meter dringt rood licht niet door en op deze diepte is een rode vis moeilijk, zo niet onmogelijk te zien. In plaats daarvan lijkt de vis zwartachtig omdat er op die diepte geen rood licht is om te reflecteren, en de vis absorbeert alle andere golflengten van kleur.

In de schemerzone zijn er talloze dieren die zwart of rood zijn. Op diepte zijn deze dieren niet zichtbaar. Dezwarte dieren absorberen alle kleurenvan licht beschikbaar en de rode dieren lijken ook zwart omdat er geen rood licht is om te weerkaatsen en hun lichaam alle andere beschikbare golflengten van licht absorbeert. Zo overheersen in de diepe oceaan rode en zwarte dieren.

Omdat de kleur blauw het beste doordringt in water, zijn er simpelweg niet zoveel blauwe dieren in de middenwatergebieden van de oceaan - hun hele lichaam zou het blauwe licht weerkaatsen en ze zouden goed zichtbaar zijn voor roofdieren.

Waarom zijn zoveel diepzeedieren rood van kleur?: Ocean Exploration Facts: NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research (2024)


What is one reason the NOAA ship Okeanos is exploring the ocean depths? ›

Okeanos Explorer is the only federal vessel solely dedicated to exploring our largely unknown ocean for the purpose of discovery and the advancement of knowledge about the deep ocean. Such exploration supports key NOAA, national, and international goals to better understand and manage the ocean and its resources.

What is ocean exploration and why is it important NOAA? ›

NOAA Ocean Exploration is the only federal program dedicated to exploring our deep ocean, closing the prominent gap in our basic understanding of U.S. deep waters and seafloor and delivering the ocean information needed to strengthen the economy, health, and security of our nation.

What are some fun facts about NOAA? ›

NOAA includes the oldest civilian science organization, established by Thomas Jefferson. On Feb 10, 1807, Thomas Jefferson signed the act that led to the formation of the oldest science “agency” at the time, the Survey of the Coast. The purpose of the act was to survey “the coasts of the United States” including “…

What major oceanographic discoveries have been made because of ocean engineering? ›

Because of ocean engineers, major oceanographic discoveries -- including hydrothermal vents, ocean volcanoes, thousands of miles of underwater mountain chains, "new" species, and biological, chemical, geographical, and physical processes and phenomena -- have been made.

What is the goal of a deep sea expedition? ›

Deep-sea exploration is the investigation of physical, chemical, and biological conditions on the ocean waters and sea bed beyond the continental shelf, for scientific or commercial purposes.

Why is NOAA important? ›

The mission of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is to provide daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration, and the supporting of marine commerce.

What are 3 benefits of ocean exploration? ›

Exploring and mapping the oceans will help us fill gaps to better understand planetary-scale processes including tectonics and marine hazards; energy, mineral and biological resources; and other large-scale Earth systems.

Why is ocean data important? ›

Through ocean exploration, we collect data and information needed to address both current and emerging science and management needs. Exploration helps to ensure that ocean resources are not just managed, but managed in a sustainable way, so those resources are around for future generations to enjoy.

Does NOAA still exist? ›

NOAA is an agency that enriches life through science. Our reach goes from the surface of the sun to the depths of the ocean floor as we work to keep the public informed of the changing environment around them.

Is NOAA a federal job? ›

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (abbreviated as NOAA /ˈnoʊ. ə/ NOH-ə) is a Washington, D.C.-based scientific and regulatory agency within the United States Department of Commerce, a United States federal government department.

How does NOAA get money? ›

Congress generally funds NOAA in the annual Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies appropriations act.

How does ocean engineering affect society? ›

Ocean engineering developments are expected to influence (i) the resilience of communities to ocean hazards, (ii) the expansion of the global ocean observation systems, (iii) the creation of ocean digital twins, (iv) sharing data, knowledge and technology worldwide, and (v) human perceptions of the ocean environment.

Why is ocean engineering important? ›

Ocean engineers create and deliver technical solutions to problems related to structures within or near the ocean. This includes the design, construction and maintenance of assets such as wind turbines and oil rigs as well as sub-sea structures and underwater vehicles and life support systems.

What problems do ocean engineers solve? ›

Typical ocean engineering application areas include: beach protection and nourishment, coastal structures, coastal erosion, development of ocean energy resources, instrumentation for coastal and offshore measurements, marine dredging and dredged material placement, moored and towed systems, ocean mining, offshore ...

What was the first diving ship to explore the ocean depths? ›

1872-1876: The HMS Challenger, led by Charles Wyville Thomson, conducts the first deep sea exploration expedition. Challenger's team discovers many new species uniquely adapted to life near the sea floor. 1930: William Beebe and Otis Barton become the first humans to visit the deep sea.

What was the purpose of ocean exploration after the HMS Challenger expedition? ›

Modern oceanography began with the Challenger Expedition between 1872 and 1876. It was the first expedition organized specifically to gather data on a wide range of ocean features, including ocean temperatures seawater chemistry, currents, marine life, and the geology of the seafloor.

How deep is the deepest point of the ocean according to ocean Service NOAA gov? ›

The deepest part of the ocean is called the Challenger Deep and is located beneath the western Pacific Ocean in the southern end of the Mariana Trench, which runs several hundred kilometers southwest of the U.S. territorial island of Guam. Challenger Deep is approximately 10,935 meters (35,876 feet) deep.

How much of the world does the ocean cover according to NOAA? ›

The ocean covers more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet. It's hard to imagine, but about 97 percent of the Earth's water can be found in our ocean. Of the tiny percentage that's not in the ocean, about two percent is frozen up in glaciers and ice caps.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.