Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (2024)

By Jeff Waite on Mar 19, 2021 3:02:54 PM

Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (1)
We have already discussed the benefits of real hair wigs in the past, but we wanted to double down on the subject of synthetic wigs and human hair wigs to answer more of your burning questions!

If you read our previous blog post on the matter you might be wondering things like “is there any benefit to synthetic hair wigs?” or “can synthetic wigs even compete with real hair?”. Well, we’re here to clear those questions up and help you decide for yourself.

It doesn’t matter if you’re using a hair replacement method right now or plan on using one in the future, the “synthetic vs human hair wigs” question will pop up in your mind at some point.

And having doubt is only natural: there’s plenty of advocates, both offline and online, of real hair wigs and synthetic hair wigs constantly presenting arguments for which one is better. So, is the grass really greener on one side of the fence? Let’s find out!

Let’s start with real hair, also known as human hair wigs.

Human Hair Wigs

Human hair wigs are incredibly versatile: they can be styled and curled just as you would your own natural hair. You have to go to a professional hairstylist in order to get it styled, as they do not come pre-styled from the provider.

Human hair wigs generally last longer and have superior styling capabilities, at the cost of requiring more maintenance and being more expensive than synthetic hair wigs. If looking natural is the only factor at play, real hair wigs win nearly every time over synthetic wigs.

Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (2)

Some pros of real hair are:

  • When they’re properly cared for, real human hair looks and feels more natural than synthetic hair does.

  • Increased durability. Human hair wigs and hair systems can last for over a year with proper care.

  • They offer a huge variety of bases and hairline material options. The better the material the more natural a wigs looks.

  • Human hair wigs can be colored and styled just like your own natural hair.

  • Good providers can match the exact texture and feel of your natural hair when you send them a sample of your natural hair.

Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (3)

Some cons of human hair wigs are:

More hairpiece maintenance and hair care is involved. Human hair wigs need to be washed and deep-conditioned on a regular basis. Always remember to only use products specially made for natural hair wigs! Never wash your human hair hairpiece with regular shampoo or shampoo for synthetic strands.

Human hair wigs are usually more expensive than synthetic hair.

Human hair wigs need to be styled out of the box. Good hair replacement providers can match your desired hair color, length, thickness, and texture, but it’s impossible for them to match the exact hairstyle you want. You’ll need to take a trip to the salon for a haircut - just like you would with your own hair.

Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (4)

Synthetic hair wigs

Synthetic hair wigs generally require less care and tend to be the less costly alternative. They come in a variety of colors, textures, and styles. They are incredibly easy to store, and the fiber used for the strands is resistant to humidity, so your hairstyle won’t be ruined by pesky humidity.

Remember, they should never be treated with heat, as heat can mess up the synthetic fiber used for the hair. Remember to never cut synthetic hair - it’ll end up looking choppy.

Some pros of synthetic hair wigs are:

  • Synthetic hair wigs are really easy to care for compared to real hair ones: just wash it, dry it, shake it and wear it! Remember to never clean a synthetic hair wig with regular shampoo and conditioner, use products made for synthetic strands.

  • Synthetic hair is kind of immune to humidity, so it will hold its style no matter what.

  • Provided you have a variety of synthetic hair wigs, changing your hairstyle is as easy as taking off your wig and putting on another one.

  • Synthetic hair wigs tend to be the less costly alternative.

Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (5)

Some cons of synthetic hair wigs are:

  • Even with proper care, they don’t last for so long. The average synthetic hairpiece will last for 4 to 6 months on average.
  • Most if not all synthetic hair wigs cannot be straightened or curled. Heat irreversibly damages the strands.
  • The same thing goes for styling. You’re stuck with the haircut the wig comes with.
  • In some cases, they can look “too perfect” and therefore end up looking unnatural.

So after it's all said and done, which one is the better option? Well depends on what you’re looking for. Want a customizable, more natural look? Choose a real hair wig. Want a less costly, easier-to-care-for alternative? You can’t go wrong with a synthetic hair wig. It all comes down to personal preference and taste really.

Got any other question for us? Feel free to give us a call at our toll-free number.

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Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (6)

Synthetic vs Human Hair Wigs (2024)
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