Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (2024)

Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (1)

April 10, 2022 by Luis F. Dominguez Uncategorized 0 comments

Every time you try to learn about inside body parts in Spanish, do you feel like you’re applying to med school?

If you’re looking to increase your vocabulary about organs in Spanish but don’t want to get too technical, this is the blog post for you.

Keep reading to learn about the internal organs in Spanish in a practical and simple way!

Table of Contents:

  • Why Learn About Body Parts and Internal Organs in Spanish?
  • List of Body Organs in Spanish
  • Learn the Inside Body Parts in Spanish and Improve Your Language Skills

Why Learn About Body Parts and Internal Organs in Spanish?

Learning a language is a process that involves many aspects. Among the most significant ones are grammar rules, pronunciation, reading and listening comprehension, and vocabulary.

Without knowing the Spanish words to name things, you can’t hold a conversation or understand what someone tries to tell you. That’s why here at the HSA blog, we’ve been tirelessly working to provide you with all the vocabulary you need, from sports terms to accounting words, and, yes, even body parts.

Learning about body parts and internal organs in Spanish is important not only for people working in the medical sector, but also for anyone who goes to the doctor or travels in a Spanish-speaking country. So, basically everybody. It’s part of the deal, if you’re learning Spanish you need to learn this vocabulary.

Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (2)

List of Body Organs in Spanish

To help you organize your learning process, I’ve distributed this comprehensive list of organs into the six main systems of the human body.

For each organ I’m including its name in English, its Spanish translation, and a brief description of what it does.

The Digestive System

Let’s start with the digestive system, which is responsible for processing food and “absorbing and moving the nutrients to where they are needed.” The digestive system contains the gastrointestinal tract (made up of a series of hollow organs), the liver, pancreas, and gallbladder.

anus – el anoLets stool out of the body
appendix – el apéndiceUnknown
cecum – el ciegoAbsorbs fluids and salts
colon – el colonRemoves water and nutrients from partially digested food
duodenum – el duodenoBeginning absorption of nutrients
esophagus – el esófa*goMoves food and liquids through the gastrointestinal tract
ileum – el íleonAbsorbs nutrients and water from food
jejunum – el yeyunoHelps digest food.
large intestine – el intestino gruesoTurns food waste into stool
liver – el hígadoProcesses the blood, breaking down and creating nutrients
mouth – la bocaChews food
pancreas – el páncreasMakes enzymes to break down sugars, fats, and starches
rectum – el rectoHolds stool until evacuation
small intestine – el intestino delgadoAbsorbs nutrients and water from food
stomach – el estómagoMixes food with digestive juice
Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (3)

The Respiratory System

The respiratory system is “the network of organs and tissues that help you breathe.” The organs that make up the respiratory system are responsible for the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide.

air sacs (alveoli) – los alveólosMoves oxygen and carbon dioxide into and out of the bloodstream
diaphragm – el diafragmaHelps with inhaling and exhaling
epiglottis – la epiglotisPrevents food and drink from entering the windpipe
large airways (bronchi) – los bronquiolosCarries air into the lungs
lungs – los pulmonesMoves fresh air into the body and removes gas waste
mouth – la bocaLets air in and out
nasal cavity – la cavidad nasalFilters and moisturizes the air before it goes to the lungs
nose – la narizLets air in and out
sinuses – los senos paranasalesMoisturizes the inside of the nose
small airways (bronchioles) – los bronquiolosCarries air into the alveoli
throat (pharynx) – la garganta (la faringe)Carries air into the larynx
voice box (larynx) – la laringeCarries air into the trachea
windpipe (trachea) – la tráqueaCarries air in and out of the lungs
Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (4)

The Circulatory System

The circulatory system, also known as the cardiovascular system, “transports oxygen and other nutrients to all the organs and tissues in your body.” It’s made up of the heart and blood vessels.

arteries – las arteriasCarries oxygenated blood to the body organs
capillaries – los capilaresFacilitates exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and waste between the circulatory system, organs, and tissues.
heart – el corazónPumps blood throughout the body
veins – las venasCarries deoxygenated blood back to the heart
Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (5)

The Muscular System

The muscular system “converts chemical energy from food into mechanical energy.” It’s responsible for movement, support, protection, heat generation, and blood circulation. There are 700 muscles in the human body, but you don’t need to know them all unless you want to become a doctor.

However, it’s important for you to know that three types of muscles exist: visceral, cardiac, and skeletal.

biceps – el bícepsHelps with arm lifting and pulling movements
cardiac muscles – los músculos cardíacosMakes the heart contract and expand
deltoid – el deltoidesHelps to move the arms
pectoralis – el pectoralHelps to move the arms
quadriceps – el cuadrícepsHelps to move the legs
rectus abdominus – el recto abdominalMoves the body between the rib cage and the pelvis
skeletal muscles – los músculos esqueléticosCreates movement in the body
tendons – los tendonesConnects muscles to bones
visceral muscles – los músculos visceralesMakes organs contract to move substances through them
Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (6)

The Nervous System

The nervous system is “responsible for the control of the body and communication among its parts.” The nervous system is divided into two parts:

  • The central nervous system (brain and spinal cord)
  • The peripheral nervous system (nerves and ganglia)

Learn more detailed vocabulary about the brain and nervous system here.

brain – el cerebroControls thought, motor skills, memory, and every other process that regulates the body
spinal cord – la espina dorsalCarries nerve signals from the brain to the body and the other way around
nerves – los nerviosSends electrical signals to and from cells, glands, and muscles
ganglia – los gangliosCarries nerve signals to and from the central nervous system
neurons – las neuronasTransmits information between different areas of the brain
Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (7)

Learn the Inside Body Parts in Spanish and Improve Your Language Skills

Learning vocabulary about the internal organs in Spanish is an important step in your language learning process. It’s useful knowledge that becomes much more important in specific contexts.

Practice at home this newly acquired vocabulary and keep improving your language skills. Remember that learning Spanish opens many doors for you, including the opportunity to get better jobs and to communicate with millions of people in the U.S.

Sign up today for a free trial class at HSA with one of our certified, native Spanish speaking teachers from Guatemala. We teach over 24,000 actively enrolled students every month and offer flexible scheduling, and tailored Spanish programs.

Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (8)

Join one of the 40,000 classes that we teach each month and you can experience results like these

Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (10)

“It’s great being able to interact with native speaking people and having a conversation with them not just doing all the work on paper. It’s also an amazing opportunity to speak with native Spanish-speaking people without having to travel to a native Spanish-speaking country.”

– Melanie

Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (11)

“Getting to know wonderful teachers who care about me and my growth in language and education. Evelyn Gomez and Erick Cacao are two of the most extraordinary people I have ever met, and talking with them in Spanish at the beginning of classes is always so fulfilling and greatly contributes to my happiness, joy, and wellbeing.”

– Abby

Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (12)

“HSA offers very affordable, quality, one on one classes with a native speaker. My son has greatly benefited from taking classes. We have seen his confidence increase as well as his pronunciation improve, because he learns from a native Spanish speaker. HSA has quick, personal customer service. I have appreciated the one on one interaction and teaching that my son gets from his teachers. He has gotten to know his teachers, which has increased his confidence in speaking Spanish. Our family has been very pleased with our experience so far!”

– Maple, Parent of 3

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Luis F. Dominguez

Freelance Writer at Homeschool Spanish Academy

Luis F. Domínguez is a freelance writer and independent journalist interested in travel, languages, art, books, history, philosophy, politics and sports. He has written for Fodor’s, Yahoo!, Sports Illustrated, Telemundo, and Villa Experience, among other brands of print and digital media in Europe and North America.

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Internal Organs in Spanish: A Complete Vocabulary Guide (2024)


What are the names of the organs in Spanish? ›

Organs for Transplant Vocabulary
Spanish VocabularyPronunciationTranslation
el corazón(ehl koo-raa-SOHN)the heart
el hígado(ehl EE-gaa-do)the liver
el pulmón izquierdo(ehl pool-MOHN ees-kee-EHR-doh)the left lung
el pulmón derecho(ehl pool-MOHN deh-REH-choh)the right lung
6 more rows

What 5 body parts can be found on your head in Spanish? ›

Parts of the head - partes de la cabeza:
  • head - la cabeza, las cabezas;
  • hair - el pelo;
  • forehead - la frente;
  • ears - las orejas, une oreja;
  • eyes - los ojos, un ojo;
  • eyelid - el párpado;
  • nose - la nariz, las narices;
  • cheek - la mejilla;

What is the basic Spanish anatomy? ›

The most commonly used words for body parts in Spanish are:

(the) neck — (el) cuello. (the) chest — (el) pecho. (the) arm — (el) brazo. (the) finger — (el) dedo.

What are the internal organs of human body with name? ›

The solid organs are the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and adrenal glands. The hollow organs of the abdomen are the stomach, intestines, gallbladder, bladder, and rectum. In the thoracic cavity the heart is a hollow, muscular organ. The number of organs in any organism depends on the definition used.

What are the names of 12 organ system? ›

They are Integumentary System, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Cardiovascular System, Lymphatic System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Urinary System, and Reproductive System (Female and Male).

What are the 5 main organs? ›

They are the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and lungs. The locations of these five organs and several other internal organs are shown in Figure 10.4.2. If any of the five vital organs stops functioning, the death of the organism is imminent without medical intervention.

How many parts of Spanish are there? ›

Like any other language, Spanish is super diverse because of its accents, pronunciations, vocabulary, and expressions that can vary greatly depending on the region or country; therefore, you need to take into account that there are about 13 types of Spanish spread over 3 continents.

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There are several types of anatomy. The major types include gross anatomy, microscopic anatomy, human anatomy, phytotomy, zootomy, embryology, and comparative anatomy.

What are the 10 internal organs of the human body? ›

Altogether, there are 10 large organs in the body, which include skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and joints. A few of them are explained in detail below. Skin is the largest external organ of the human body.

How many internal organs are there? ›

A general consensus is widely believed to be 79 organs (this number goes up if you count each bone and muscle as an organ on their own, which is becoming more common practice to do); however, there is no universal standard definition of what constitutes an organ, and some tissue groups' status as one is debated.

What are the 5 internal organs and external organs of the body? ›

The internal organs, such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys, are located within the human body, whereas the external organs, such as the skin, nose, and external ear, are located outside the body.

What are the names of the 7 organ systems? ›

The 11 organ systems: the respiratory system, digestive and excretory system, circulatory system, urinary system, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, endocrine system, lymphatic system, nervous system, and reproductive system.

What are the names of the 10 organ systems? ›

A system is an organization of varying numbers and kinds of organs so arranged that together they can perform complex functions for the body. Ten major systems include the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and the reproductive system.

What are the 11 organ systems called? ›

These 11 major organ systems of our human body are the integumentary system (skin), skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and reproductive systems. Following is a brief review of the functions of our 11 human organ systems.

What is the name of the organs? ›

Altogether, there are 10 large organs in the body, which include skin, liver, brain, lungs, heart, kidney, spleen, pancreas, thyroid and joints. A few of them are explained in detail below.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.