22 Different Types Of Portrait Photography - Adrianbullers Photography (2024)

There are many different types of portrait photography, and each can be used to capture different emotions or expressions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the most common types of portrait photography and what they are used for. We’ll also provide tips on how to choose the right type of portrait photography for your needs. So, whether you’re looking to create a formal family portrait or need photos for your business website, we’ve got you covered!

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Types of portrait photography

There are several different types of portrait photography, each with its own distinct style and purpose. Here is a quick guide to the most popular types of portrait photography:

Candid Portraits

Candid portraits are natural, unplanned shots that capture people in their everyday activities. They are often taken without the subject’s knowledge, resulting in more authentic and unposed images. Candid shots are great for capturing the personality and spirit of your subjects.

Formal Portraits

Formal portraits are more traditional and posed than candid shots. They are typically taken in a studio setting with professional lighting, and the subject is usually aware that they are being photographed. Formal portraits are perfect for special occasions such as graduations or family portraits.

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Environmental Portraits

Environmental portraits place the subject in their natural surroundings, such as at home or work. This type of portrait can help to tell the story of the person’s life and provide context for their situation. Environmental portraits are often used by journalists and documentarians.

Conceptual Portraits

Conceptual portraits are imaginative and creative shots that involve some level of planning and set design. The concept behind the image is usually more important than the actual subject matter, making these shots great for advertising and editorial purposes. If you have a vision for an iconic portrait, conceptual photography may be the way to go.

Lifestyle Portraits

Lifestyle portraits are similar to environmental portraits in that they show the subject in their natural surroundings. However, these shots are more focused on capturing the essence of the person’s lifestyle, rather than telling a specific story. Lifestyle portraits are often used in marketing and branding campaigns.

Glamour Portraits

Glamour portraits are all about style and sophistication. They are typically taken in a studio setting with professional lighting and styling, and the goal is to capture the subject looking their best. Glamour shots are often used in magazines and advertising campaigns.

Fine Art Portraits

Fine art portraits are those that are taken with an artistic vision in mind. These shots may be more experimental or avant-garde, and they are often intended for display in a gallery or museum setting. If you consider yourself a fine art photographer, portraiture may be the perfect genre for you.

Nude Portraits

Nude portraits are exactly what they sound like: shots of the human body without clothing. These types of images can be both beautiful and controversial, and they often require a great deal of skill and sensitivity to execute successfully. Nude portraiture is definitely not for everyone, but it can be an incredibly rewarding genre for those who are up for the challenge.

Pet Portraits

Pet portraits are a fun and unique way to capture the personality of your furry (or not-so-furry) friends. These types of images can be challenging to get right, but they are often well worth the effort. If you’re a pet lover, consider giving pet portraiture a try.

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Boudoir Portraits

Boudoir portraits are sensual and intimate shots that are typically taken in a private setting, such as a bedroom or bathroom. These images are meant to be empowering and sexy, and they often involve some level of nudity. Boudoir shots are usually taken for the subject’s own enjoyment, but they can also make great gifts for a partner or spouse.

Maternity Portraits

Maternity portraits are a beautiful way to document the miracle of life. These types of images can be taken before, during, or after pregnancy, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to highlight the baby bump. If you’re a pregnant woman (or know someone who is), consider commissioning a maternity portrait.

Newborn Portraits

Newborn portraits are some of the most rewarding shots you’ll ever take. These images capture the innocence and fragility of new life, and they can be both emotional and incredibly beautiful. If you have the opportunity to photograph a newborn, don’t miss your chance!

Family Portraits

Family portraits are a timeless way to capture the love and bond between family members. These types of shots can be taken in a variety of settings, from formal studio sessions to more casual outdoor shoots. No matter what type of family you have, there’s a portrait style that will suit them perfectly.

Couple Portraits

Couple portraits are a great way to capture the love and connection between two people. These types of images can be taken in a variety of settings, from engagement and wedding photos to more casual shots of everyday life. Whether you’re photographing a long-time couple or two people who are just starting out, couple portraits are always special.


Self-portraits (or “selfies”) have become extremely popular in recent years, but they are actually a very old genre of photography. These types of images can be taken with any camera, from a smartphone to a professional DSLR, and they can be taken in a wide variety of settings. If you’re looking for a unique way to capture your own likeness, consider giving self-portraiture a try.

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Headshots are a specific type of portrait that is typically taken for professional purposes, such as actors’ resumes or business cards. These shots are usually taken from the chest up, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to create a flattering image. If you need a headshot for any reason, be sure to find a photographer who specializes in this type of photography.

Sports Portraits

Sports portraits are those that are taken of athletes in action. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from the playing field to the locker room, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to highlight the athlete’s physical prowess. If you’re looking for a unique way to capture your favorite athlete in action, consider giving sports portraiture a try.

Still-life Portraits

Still-life portraits are those that are taken of inanimate objects, such as flowers, fruits, or even everyday items like books and furniture. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from studios to outdoor locations, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to create a specific look or mood. If you’re looking for a unique way to capture the world around you, consider giving still-life portraiture a try.

Wedding Portraits

Wedding portraits are those that are taken of the bride and groom on their wedding day. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from the ceremony to the reception, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to capture the happy couple’s special day.

Baby Portraits

Baby portraits are those that are taken of newborn babies. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from the hospital room to the family home, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to capture the baby’s first few weeks of life.

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Candid and Street Portraits

Candid portraits are those that are taken without the subject’s knowledge or consent. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from public places to private homes, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to capture the subject’s natural expressions and interactions.

Street portraits are those that are taken of people in public places. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from busy city streets to quiet country roads, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to capture the subject’s natural expressions and interactions.

Abstract Portraits

Abstract portraits are those that are taken in a way that is designed to accentuate the subject’s inner qualities rather than their physical appearance. These types of images can be taken in a wide variety of settings, from studios to outdoor locations, and they often involve the use of special lighting and poses to create a specific look or mood. If you’re looking for a unique way to capture someone’s true self, consider giving abstract portraiture a try.

How to choose the right type of portrait photography for your needs ?

There are many different types of portrait photography, each with its own unique benefits. To choose the right type of portrait photography for your needs, consider the following factors:

The type of subject you want to photograph

Portrait photography can be used to capture a wide variety of subjects, from babies and children to families and couples. Consider what type of subject you want to photograph before choosing a type of portrait photography.

The setting you want to use

Portrait photography can be done in a wide variety of settings, from studios to outdoor locations. Consider what type of setting you want to use before choosing a type of portrait photography.

The level of control you want

Some types of portrait photography involve more posed shots with specific lighting and background choices, while others involve more candid shots where the subject is free to move around. Consider how much control you want over the final image before choosing a type of portrait photography.

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Your budget

Portrait photography can be done on a wide range of budgets. Consider how much you are willing to spend on your portrait photography before choosing a type.

FAQs about types of portrait photography

What are the elements of a portrait?

The elements of a portrait include the following:

The subject’s face: The focus of a portrait is typically the subject’s face, so it is important to make sure that the face is well-lit and in sharp focus.

The background: The background of a portrait can help to set the mood and create a flattering setting for the subject. Avoid busy patterns or distracting elements in the background, and instead opt for a plain wall or simple backdrop.

The lighting: Good lighting is essential for taking a good portrait. If possible, try to take advantage of natural light by shooting outdoors or near a window.

The pose: The pose of the subject can help to accentuate their best features and create a more flattering image. Avoid having the subject stand directly in front of the camera, and instead try to position them at an angle or have them sit or recline.

The expression: Capturing a natural expression is key to taking a good portrait. Avoid asking the subject to smile, and instead let them relax and be themselves. If possible, try to capture a candid moment rather than a posed one.

What is the difference between a portrait and a headshot?

A portrait is a photo of a person that captures their features in a way that is flattering and makes them look their best. A headshot is a specific type of portrait that focuses on the subject’s face, typically used for professional purposes such as acting or modeling. Headshots are usually taken from closer up than portraits, and they often have a more neutral expression.

How do I start portrait photography?

If you’re interested in starting portrait photography, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

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Choose the right type of portrait photography for you: There are several different types of portrait photography, from posed and formal shots to more candid and natural ones. Consider what you want your final image to look like before choosing a type.

Use lighting to your advantage: Good lighting can make a big difference in a portrait photo. If possible, try to take advantage of natural light by shooting outdoors or near a window.

Choose the right background: The background of your portrait photo can help to set the mood and create a flattering setting for your subject. Avoid busy patterns or distracting elements in the background, and instead opt for a plain wall or simple backdrop.

Pose your subject: Posing your subject can help to accentuate their best features and create a more flattering image. Avoid having your subject stand directly in front of the camera, and instead try to position them at an angle or have them sit or recline.

Capture expressions: Capturing a natural expression is key to taking a good portrait photo. Avoid asking your subject to smile, and instead let them relax and be themselves. If possible, try to capture a candid moment rather than a posed one.

Can a portrait be full body?

Yes, a portrait can be full body. Full body portraits are typically taken from further away than headshots or close-up portraits, and they can help to capture the subject’s overall appearance. When taking a full body portrait, it is important to make sure that the subject is well-lit and in sharp focus. The background should also be considered, and it should be free of any distracting elements.

Final thoughts

Portrait photography is a unique and challenging type of photography. There are many different types of portraits, each with their own set of challenges. However, with the right knowledge and equipment, you can create beautiful and memorable portraits that capture your subject’s personality.The best type of portrait photography depends on the goals of the photographer and the needs of the client.

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22 Different Types Of Portrait Photography - Adrianbullers Photography (2024)


What are some different types of portrait photography? ›

Top 10 types of portrait photography to test out
  • Traditional portraits. Traditional photography is all about capturing the emotion and expression of the subject. ...
  • Candid portraits. ...
  • Lifestyle portraits. ...
  • Glamour portraits. ...
  • Conceptual portraits. ...
  • Self-portraits. ...
  • Close up portraits. ...
  • Group portraits.
Mar 4, 2021

How many types of portraits are there? ›

There are 10 different types of portrait photography: Traditional portraits. Lifestyle portraits. Environmental portraits.

What is portrait style photography? ›

This style of photography is all about trying to capture the personality, identity, soul, and emotions of a person by utilizing the background atmosphere, poses, and lighting. A portrait can also refer to the orientation of a photograph and is the opposite of a landscape photograph.

What are the 4 main types of photography? ›

The most popular types of photography are portrait, landscape, long exposure, and macro photography.

What is the most popular portrait? ›

The Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci (1503-1506)

The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous portraits in art history – both the technical aspect and the subject have raised a lot of interest over the centuries.

What is the genre of portrait? ›

Portrait painting is a genre in painting, where the intent is to represent a specific human subject. The term 'portrait painting' can also describe the actual painted portrait.

What is the rule of 3 in portrait? ›

What is the rule of thirds? The rule of thirds is a composition guideline that places your subject in the left or right third of an image, leaving the other two thirds more open.

What are the four types of portrait lengths? ›

2. Four historic sizes
  • 2.1 The half-length. In 1632 Van Dyck was paid by Charles I for three portraits 'at half length' of the royal family, as well as for other portraits 'at length'. ...
  • 2.2 The three-quarters. ...
  • 2.3 The kit-cat. ...
  • 2.4 The whole-length or full-length.

What are the 3 elements to a great portrait? ›

However, at the photographic level, three key elements will always remain the same. If you every time you take a shot, you consider your composition, light, and subject, you will be well on your way to making a successful photograph.

What are the elements of portrait photography? ›

What are the Important Elements of Portraiture? As with all photographs, the main photographic components of a portrait are light, composition, and moment. By focusing on each of these in our portrait photography, we'll stand a better chance of making great images.

What is a full body portrait called? ›

Full Body. The full body portrait (or full shot) captures your model from head to toe. It does not capture the entirety of a setting like the landscape photography, but it does capture a wider shot.

What is different in portrait mode? ›

With Portrait mode, the camera creates a depth-of-field effect. This lets you capture photos with a sharp focus on the subject and a blurred background.

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